Friday, February 4, 2011

Hello, jQuery Form Plugin

Hello, jQuery Form Plugin

Lately I've been working on a lot of ajaxy projects and have found the jQuery Form Plugin to be indispensable for such work. It's a super clean plugin for applying ajaxy behaviors to a regular ol' HTML form. To showcase the plugin here on my blog, I wrote a little "Hello, World" snippet that uses the plugin to pull images from Flickr's image feed.

HTML Markup

First, let's get our markup on. We'll build a vanilla HTML form that asks the user for a tag to be searched on Flickr. After the form, we'll also declare an empty <div> that will eventually be updated with the results of our Flickr tag search.

<form id="flickrSearchForm" method="get" action="">
    <label for="tags">Photos tagged with </label>
    <input id="tags" name="tags" placeholder="any Flickr tag" />
    <input type="submit" value="Find" />

<div id="flickrSearchResults"></div>

jQuery Dependencies

Next we need to include jQuery and the jQuery Form Plugin. The base jQuery library is available via Google's CDN. The form plugin is hosted on github.

<script type="text/javascript" 
<script type="text/javascript" 

Unobtrusive Goodness

Now we can finally get down to the business of unobtrusively wiring some ajax operations into the otherwise unremarkable HTML form.

// apply form plugin
 url: '',
 data: { 
  tagmode: 'any', 
  format: 'json', 
  jsoncallback: 'displayFlickrSearchResults'
 type: 'get',
 dataType: 'script',
 beforeSubmit: function(formDataArray, form, options) { 

How easy was that? With just a few lines of code we decorated the form to fire off an ajax request to Flickr when the user presses the submit button. The form plugin took care of a lot of little details like ...

  • providing a pre-submit hook for clearing out previous search results
  • serializing the form's inputs into the ajax request's query string
  • appending some constant data values to the ajax request's query string
  • automatically invoking the result of the JSONP response as a JavaScript function

End Result

Here's the end result once the code snippets above are put together.